Saturday, June 25, 2011

My sweet boy

Justin left to Montana for the weekend. He and Gracie are taking a special father/daughter trip and I am at home getting ready to leave for Utah on Monday. I'm also preparing my Sunday lesson as we speak.

Gunner and I have been having a lot of fun and he has had fun discovering Maisy as a new playmate. I've loved hearing Gracie and Gunner talk on the phone. They miss each other so much. I'm hoping that they'll be extra sweet and kind to each other for days...or weeks...(I'd even take hours), as a result of their separation.

I had to return something to Tj Max and took Maisy and Gunner. I've really not taken the kids shopping much since I've had Maisy. I loved hearing Gunner's comments in the dressing room and decided that his input is always welcome and appreciated. These were some of his comments
"that looks cute"
"I like your jeans"
 "You look like a princess"
"My want to try that on"

He is also fun at the grocery store. He was like rapid fire machine gun down the candy aisle saying over and over "that looks nummy, that looks nummy, that looks nummy." On another aisle he said in the same repeated fashion "that looks cool, that looks cool, that looks cool".


CNeilson said...

Happy Travels! We are excited to spend more time with you . . . CJ was asking to play with Gunner yesterday.

Unknown said...

LOL. He can come shopping with me too! I'm excited to have a boy.

Kim said...

This boy makes me smile. :)