Sunday, June 26, 2011

A perfect heart

Maisy chewing on a little heart man during her "echo"
 We went to Denver on Wednesday for a cardiology appointment.I think this was our second one since surgery. Maisy weighed in at 13 lbs.12oz. and was 26 inches long. Dr. Christensen says that she has a perfect heart. There was a small hole remaining after surgery that they weren't really worried about and expected to close. It did. It felt so great to hear about her perfect heart :).
We'll have another cardiology appointment in 6 months and then yearly for a few years. By the time she's a teen and probably for the rest of her life it will be about  every 5 years.

Maisy is one busy baby these days. She got her second tooth and is pulling herself up on all kinds of things. She's become a really solid sitter in the last little while, but I hesitate to call her that  because she likes to move a lot and doesn't stay sitting for long. She also goes back and forth between sitting and crawling. I think that we'll have to lower her crib down once we're home from Utah. Can't wait to see our families :)


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, she looks so cute and healthy! She is a tiny thing, though, isn't she? Will she always be smaller?

Carrie said...

Oh I just love to hear that phrase of her "perfect heart." Such great news after months of worry!

MBurt said...

Yea! A perfect heart for a perfect girl. Congrats. That's got to be such a good feeling. So the motorcycle trip is in august?? Is there a better time for you or are you open?

Kim said...

Oh, such a perfect little girl. :) Love that Maisy...