Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pioneer Day

 Our Stake did a big pioneer day party. It was fun. They had face painting for the kids and our kids got in the line for a super talented artist from our ward.Gracie got a horse and Gunner was a puppy. Gracie is already talking about what she might want painted on her face next pioneer day.

One last picture of the horse before we washed it off for church.

Gracie re-united with her friend Emma from the other ward and they played and ran around all night.

Poopies for Puppies

Gunner has been doing something exciting this week! He's been wearing underwear. I've been trying to get to this point for awhile, but sometimes it is just finding the right motivation. Potty treats weren't as successful as I would have imagined.

But...2 Fridays ago I told Gunner that if he pooped in the potty, I would take him to see the puppies at the mall. The rest is history. We've been to pet stores at least 5 times  in the last week and Gunner is going strong. He has had very few accidents and I am so proud of him. Go Gunner!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

And you thought YOU were tired

I promise I let my baby take naps.  Lately, if her afternoon nap isn't quite long enough she gets sleepy again just around dinner time. I guess all that crawling and climbing wears her right out. It is so sweet when she falls asleep right in her high chair but I always feel so guilty.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

S'more fun

 The picture above is every grandchild on Justin's side of the family. I think they are all so cute.This was just a quick snapshot, but it was fun to get them all together.

Maisy- Starting young on S'mores (she just had graham crackers)
Gunner- Doesn't it make you want a s'more?
Gracie- carefully roasting

riding, skating and playing

 Gracie and Gunner were soooo excited to ride horses with Justin. Gracie even ventured out a few times without a lead rope. Gunner fell asleep on a horse, but I don't have a copy of that picture yet.
 We went roller skating with the extended Gardner family. It was a lot of fun. I think the day was in the high 90's, and the swamp cooler had stopped working. It was pretty hot. I don't think I've ever seen Gracie so red and hot in my life!! I also wish I had a picture of the mountain of fountain drinks that everyone grabbed to help cool off.Lucky for us all, Justin's cousin, Ryon, got the cooler working again. We had a great time. I think somewhere there is a picture of the whole group and one of the 5 of us, but they are on another camera.

 I think Gracie gets the prize for "most improved". She is so determined and kept at it until she got better and better. I'm excited to take her again sometime.
Justin and Maisy

Camille, Gunner, and Kim

Ryder, Levi, and Maisy- playing kitchen :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Some Pine Valley Highlights

 We had a lot of fun fishing at the pond. Camille and Justin both caught fish. We were using some cheese and the fish were biting so deep that it made it hard to catch and release.

 Carrie and I got brave (read Carrie got brave) and took the kids fishing. We decided that 5 kids with hooks and 1 1/2 adults (I was holding Maisy) would not be a good combo, so Carrie just tied bobbers on t he end of a bunch of poles and we were hook free. The kids didn't seem to disappointed not to get anything and we kept our sanity.

Back to Pine Valley

Other SLC highlights

Craft day at Nanny's with all the cousins. Have I mentioned that Maisy was #21 on my side of the family and #22 and #23 are on the way (Carrie and Krista).
Justin and Me at the AIS banquet/ Diamond Rio concert. It was soooo fun. We rarely do things like this and really enjoyed it. Thanks Dad. You can't tell from this picture, but my parents and three of my other siblings and their spouses were there as well.

Seeing the family.

Some workers were demolishing the driveway across the street. I wonder what they thought of us pulling up chairs and watching the action :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

8 Months

 Seriously. Where does the time go? At 8 months, Maisy is...
-crawling like a pro. She is getting fast.
-has an affinity for toilets. Like I said...She is getting fast. So am I.
- has 2 teeth (that may be the same as 7 months)
-13 lbs. 12.oz a( few weeks ago) and was 26 inches long
-a total giggler. Gracie and Gunner make her laugh the most.
-discovering a love for eating!! She has been eating a ton lately! She loves all baby food and I've been feeding her some table food as well. She is still on Neosure- a 22 cal/oz. formula, but will probably be off within this next month.
-getting some cute chub on her thighs and bum. She is starting to fill out all over. I thought it would never happen!
 -Still wearing 3-6 month clothes but I think I'll break into the 6-9 month stuff soon.
-pulling herself to a stand just about everywhere. I almost had a heart attack when she did it in the stroller the other day.
-Not using a binky and hasn't  been since about 6 months.
-Not a thumb sucker either.
-Sticking everything in her mouth (I feel like I should be sweeping 10 times a day)
-still loving diaper changes
-2 naps a day and still waking up a few times in the night (I need to be firm and get her sleeping all night. The past few night I've feared her toppling out of the crib because I need to lower it.

** Life is good and we love this sweet and happy little girl. I love this age, but this week has been crazy to me. I forgot how much life changes once they crawl. She has been into cupboards, the fireplace, getting stuck under furniture and exploring all that she can. I'm trying to find my outlet covers and pick up all our teensy choking size objects.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Bees Game

We went to a Bee's game the first night we got into Salt Lake. It was a perfect night for a game. It was fun to see and visit with Flori and Rob. My oldest sister, Flori, and her family are just moving to Georgia from North Carolina and we usually only see each other once a year.This was their first chance to meet Maisy.
Love the Bee! Gunner went right to him.

Eloise and Maisy.
Flori's girls are growing up so fast and were super helpful with the kids all week long. Oh, how I wish they all lived a little closer.