Thursday, July 21, 2011

Some Pine Valley Highlights

 We had a lot of fun fishing at the pond. Camille and Justin both caught fish. We were using some cheese and the fish were biting so deep that it made it hard to catch and release.

 Carrie and I got brave (read Carrie got brave) and took the kids fishing. We decided that 5 kids with hooks and 1 1/2 adults (I was holding Maisy) would not be a good combo, so Carrie just tied bobbers on t he end of a bunch of poles and we were hook free. The kids didn't seem to disappointed not to get anything and we kept our sanity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fun! I'm glad you're back in Pine Valley. I know you so enjoy your time there. And so cool that you got to go to a concert!