Monday, September 26, 2011

Gunner Boy

Gunner is making us laugh a lot these days. He is growing up and becoming more independent all the time. He says some funny things that I don't want to forget. Most of the funny things revolve around the fact that he says "My" rather than "I" or "I'm".
- I was making brownies yesterday and he said,"Chocwhat? My WUV Chocwhat!!"
- My bored
-While he was potty training I told him one day to get some clothes on because he was naked. He got really offended (almost crying) and said, "My not naked". Sorry bud, it is what it is. I had to explain I wasn't calling him a name.
-My super hungry
-My so frustrated (I love it when he says this because I think he is such a good communicator)

On another note, Gunner was going through a phase of wanting to wear dresses. He didn't seem to believe me that boys don't wear dresses, so I sent him down to ask Justin.
Gunner:"Dad, do boys wear dresses?"
Justin:' NO. Boys wear jeans and boots and cowboy hats"
** After all my convincing that one conversation with Justin seemed to do the trick. He loves his dad.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Office Space

I have picked up some clients in the last few months (7 to be exact) and have been trying my hand at private practice.
It has been a fun experience and I am learning a lot.

** I forgot to mention. I rent office space by the hour at two different locations. It has worked out great, as the office is fully furnished and there is usually a secretary to notify me when my clients arrive. I also found a supervisor who helps me out so that my hours can count toward my LCSW (2 years full time beyond a Master's degree).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


 Gracie is getting so big!! I won't say that I can't believe she's in pre-school. I can. This is her third year doing pre-school, but her first year not doing a co-op. She will be more than ready for kindergarten next year and it is a great social outlet for her.
 Gracie and Gunner with Miss Susan and Miss Jodi
 Gunner wishes he could go too:( The teachers love him and told me that if I ever forget to take him home I can just pick him up when I come to get Gracie). Do they seriously think I would just forget him? After that offer, I might have to forget him on purpose sometime :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

10 Months

 We see a lot of this face from this sweet baby. She is a happy girl with a huge smile. Her smile reminds me a lot of Gracie at this age. Maisy is growing up!! How is my baby 10 months already???
 -Maisy is babbling a lot more. Her favorite things to say is "da da da da". I'm still working on the "ma ma ma ma"
-Still cruising and pulling herself up on things and climbing.
-Maisy has mastered the stairs. She has been going up well for over a month, but in the last week and  a half she has become a pro at going down the stairs too. It makes my life a lot less stressful to not worry about her falling down the stairs.
-Maisy can stand on her own for a few seconds and is very controlled when lowering herself back down.
-Maisy has a new front top tooth (this makes 3 teeth)
-Because of said tooth, Maisy has had a bad week and has been waking up at night.
-Maisy has a light heart. She totally starts laughing when she sees Gunner or Gracie throwing a tantrum (it can be kind of humorous at times). Usually it lightens the mood a little bit.
-This baby girl has become a super squirmy little thing.
-Her hair is starting to grow a little more. It is blonde with a hint of red. I'm sure you can also tell, but although her hair is quite light, it is a lot darker than both Gracie's and Gunner's (as I'm sure you've noticed in her pictures).

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


 We went to the church farm in Greeley a few weeks ago for FHE. We picked a ton of corn and spent a few days husking, freezing, and preserving. The kids were great help and Gracie especially wanted to be in on the process. I cut the corn off the cob and she packed it as tightly as she could into our 2 cup measuring cup. (I swear there are 4 cups of corn in all the ones she packed). We love the end of summer/beginning of fall around here.