Monday, September 26, 2011

Gunner Boy

Gunner is making us laugh a lot these days. He is growing up and becoming more independent all the time. He says some funny things that I don't want to forget. Most of the funny things revolve around the fact that he says "My" rather than "I" or "I'm".
- I was making brownies yesterday and he said,"Chocwhat? My WUV Chocwhat!!"
- My bored
-While he was potty training I told him one day to get some clothes on because he was naked. He got really offended (almost crying) and said, "My not naked". Sorry bud, it is what it is. I had to explain I wasn't calling him a name.
-My super hungry
-My so frustrated (I love it when he says this because I think he is such a good communicator)

On another note, Gunner was going through a phase of wanting to wear dresses. He didn't seem to believe me that boys don't wear dresses, so I sent him down to ask Justin.
Gunner:"Dad, do boys wear dresses?"
Justin:' NO. Boys wear jeans and boots and cowboy hats"
** After all my convincing that one conversation with Justin seemed to do the trick. He loves his dad.


Unknown said...

So cute! He is very handsome.

Kim said...

Oh, I love that boy. :) Those new pictures of Gunner & Gracie are super cute!

Flori said...

What a cute head. The picture of him is SO great. Did you guys do new family pics or just the kids?

belliesue said...

Sweet and Handome boy!