Friday, March 9, 2012


Justin was gone last Saturday from sun-up to sun-down testing some bulls. I called him on his way home and asked if he could pick up some milk for Sunday. He agreed and came home with these beautiful flowers as well:) The next morning this conversation ensued:
Gracie: Mom, where did these flowers come from?
Maggie: Dad got them for me. Isn't that nice?
Gracie: Well, where did he get them from?
Maggie: From the store.
Gracie: But MOM, he's a boy. How did he even know where the store was?

LOL. I guess you can tell who the shopper is in the family:) As a disclaimer, I should let you all know that I really enjoy shopping (even for groceries), and Justin really doesn't enjoy shopping. Anyway, I was very grateful and excited for flowers but Gracie was 10 times more excited than even I was. She said, "Mom, you better give Dad a big hug and a kiss for giving you such nice flowers". I love little girls. I guess the obsession with romance starts young. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL. i shared that story with Jonas.