Sunday, October 21, 2012

Gracie's Birthday Party

 Gracie's birthday is this coming Wednesday. We have a good friend, Emma, who is one year older and whose birthday is one week before Gracie's. I coordinated with my good friend, Jamie (her mom), to do a combined party. It was great. We split the work up and invited a bunch of kids. There was also a lot of overlap from the ward with the kids we invited. I think it is safe to say they all had a good time.
 Gracie and Maisy went as Bavarian girls. Gunner was Dracula, but didn't really dress up because he didn't want to scare anyone.:)
 They ate good food, played a few games, beaded bracelets, ate cake and ice cream, and opened presents.

 I think this is most of the crew. Aren't they cute?


Krista said...

Oh my goodness Gracie's costume is the cutest thing ever. Where did you get it! What a cute, cute party. Love it. Happy B-day Gracie!!!

Krista said...

Oh and that Gunner didn't want to "scare anyone" is adorable too.

Meredith said...

Fun to read your updates! We miss you guys and Fort Collins!The kids are getting so big! Crazy how time is flying! Are you going to be in UT over the holidays?