Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Excuse Me, Have you seen some keys?

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At church on Sunday a man with a baby came up to Justin and asked, "Excuse me, have you seen some keys?". Justin was about to send him away when he remembered something and said, "Hold on". He dug through the diaper bag and pulled out a pair of plastic keys he had seen Gracie playing with, but didn't recognize. He held them out to the man. "is this what you're looking for?" "No, I mean real keys."

It made us laugh.


Honey said...

That made me laugh right out loud! Funny, funny.

Chelsea said...

Oh man! That is funny! I bet Justin got all red in the face!

Bobby said...

Haha, that's way funny Mugs. I think it's probably a good idea to keep some plastic keys and a fake cell phone and camera around just to offer to people when they ask if you've seen anything lying around. Hey, you're the one that brought up lying.