Thursday, April 24, 2008

If it looks good, it probably tastes good

This idea has made a lot of people eat stuff that really isn't that good. I remember as a little girl, climbing up on the counter to go through my mom's baking cupboard. I was baffled as to why baking chocolate (which looked delicious) was bitter and disgusting,
why vanilla could smell wonderful and tasted awful, and why boullion cubes weren't tasty (even though they were wrapped in gold foil).

It's been interesting for me to watch Gracie go through the same process with a few different things this week. I was cutting up potatoes and Gracie was sitting on a stool next to the counter. She kept reaching over and taking small RAW potato cubes. She'd taste one and spit it out, then reach for another because she couldn't figure out why they didn't quite taste right.

I have some suave lotion that is lime scented. She tries to eat that too. Once I thought about it, I determined that it might look like yogurt. Funny.

The last thing Gracie has really wanted to eat is bread dough. I love cookie dough, cake batter, etc., but have been surprised that she would be almost frantic in her desperation to get some bread dough (we're talking moving chairs and throwing serious tantrums).

What things have you eaten that you expected to taste better? What about your kids?


Nicole said...

when i was four(ish), i drank clorox bleach because i thought it was water. no joke.

Camie said...

Oh i remember exactly how she feels..except I loved licking the bouillion cubes.

I missed a few post and I just got a good chuckle out of the picture of Gracie and Justin eating dinner. So cute!

Brintons said...

That's hilarious. I remember doing the same thing with bread confusing!

Laura said...

Maggie- I can't find your email at the moment, but you have got to check out this blog!!!! This lady is amazing. It reminds me of your creations for the fall birthday party for Gracie.