Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lessons learned in picture organzing

* Don't ever take pictures with oreo cookies in your teeth- no matter how funny it seems at the time, it will be ugly
* Same with winking
* Don't let a 15 year old take more than one roll of film t0 EFY
* Digital cameras are the best thing that ever happened.
* tearing up and throwing out old, ugly, and irrelevant pictures feels great.

Thanks to everyone for giving me the extra needed courage. I may be sending some of you some special pictures :)


Carrie said...

Oh mag--that's the best idea yet--to send your ugly ones to those who will laugh about them too. Then they can decide if they will throw them out or not :) Now I need to add going through old photos to my list of things..well going through Joe's old pics--he's the king of saving ALL of his pics! Did Justin have tons for you to sort through too?

Kim said...

Wow, the oreo and EFY comments made me smile. :) BTW, I enjoyed your Gracie post. I love her!

MBurt said...

I'm sad that you threw away all the pictures that we took together!

Camie said...

I need to do this so badly...

Krista said...

mags you are so brave. I don't even want to start going through my pics for a looong time for that same reason. I took so many rolls of film on my mission too.

Bobby said...

Haha, that's funny. I suppose you could also add to that list pictures of you with Cheese Whiz in your mouth. I knew this one girl in high school that loved taking pictures of herself with a mouthful of Cheese Whiz. Oh cheese.