Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The life awaiting us in Colorado!

So... today Justin and I signed a lease for a place in Fort Collins. Here are some pictures. The veterinary school has its own housing website and we found this place on there. The property is 3 miles from CSU campus and is 5 acres. This is how the deal is working out- we can bring horses if we want and can board them at a discounted price. Our apartment is above the barn and looks like it will be a nice little place for us.We can also work of a huge chunk of our rent (at least half) every month by doing chores. Chores include mostly feeding and cleaning stalls. WAIT! Cleaning stalls? YES! I'd like you to meet your newest stall cleaner, Mrs. Margaret Jean Gardner.

Anyway, some of this sounds a little crazy to me. I almost can't believe it! Justin and I feel really great about it though, and we feel ready to take on a new adventure. Just don't be surprised if I become a TRUE cowgirl.

P.S. We get new carpet and flooring and for those of you I've already talked to, we WILL have 2 bedrooms.
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Honey said...

Isn't that the first requirement to be a true cowgirl? To be able to clean stalls? Good for you guys! It looks great!

Jill Wittwer said...

Could it be any more perfect! What an adventure, I hope you guys will want to come back! I think you might "heart" Colorado after all this!

Chelsea said...

Wow! Looks like you guys are in for an adventure indeed! Have fun cleaning stalls!!!! :) hopefully we can see you guys before you leave.

Krista said...

mags that is so cool! You get to do all the fun farm stuff! sorry about the smelly part though. What a great place and you even get to have a horse! This is great for you guys. I'm super happy for you. what about gracie gardner cleanup girl too?

Martha said...

I haven't read your blog in awhile--so many cute pictures. Thanks for your email--sorry about the silly phone tag before I left! I'm glad that you'll have 2 bedrooms. And could you share some of those meal ideas with me? Our kitchen here is tiny with no oven--any suggestions?

Laura said...

That is so cute! I love your little western life!!!!!!!! Afterall, western life is the best. :) I am really happy for you guys.

Dave and Andrea said...

This sounds like a fun new adventure; it looks beautiful there.

Charisse said...

Your future place looks so cute! It is always nice to save money when going to school. You will be a great stall cleaner. Do you have a sensitive stomach to smells? Eric threw up taking poopy diapers to the garbage when Blake was 6 months!

Brintons said...

I LOVE it! It's totally perfect. You're already a "true cowgirl" in my book if you're game for cleaning stalls. I'm sure Gracie will loving being around all the animals. What a memorable adventure Vet school will be.

Camie said...

It sounds like quite and adventure. PErfect for your little family.

Erin said...

That is going to be such an adventure for you two. We'll miss you but will hopefully see you for the holidays. Thank goodness for blogs. P.S. I've cleaned many of horse stalls at my Dad's house...not that bad. Honest.

belliesue said...

That looks like quite the adventure. I'm sure if it were me, Justin would be the official stall cleaner! Does the dog come with the apartment? How's the smell? What fun adventures ahead!

Camie said...

Living away from home, out in the mission field, has been one of the best experiences Camie and I have had. We wouldn't give up the adventures we have had for anything. It doesn't last long though, even though it may feel that way at first.

p.s. Your daughter is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Tell Justin hello for me.
