Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gunner's Latest

Gunner will be 16 months in just over a week. He is getting so big. We went to the doctor a few weeks ago and here were his stats:

Height: 31 1/4" inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs. 4 oz (10th Percentile)
Head Circ:18 1/2

He is starting to talk a lot more and what I love most is that I feel like I can really communicate with him and he is starting to be able to tell me what he wants and doesn't more and more. I love this age. Gunner loves to play independently but gives the greatest hugs and snuggles right up to me before and after naps (it melts my heart).

The other day he piled up some things at the base of the couch and then climbed up and jumped off onto his pile with NO FEAR. It was awesome. Sorry, we didn't have the camera handy.

Gunner is already starting to tease and loves to make people laugh. Just tonight he was tickling Gracie's tummy and running away laughing.

Gunner has a talent of being able to take his diaper off. It has given me the incentive of having him wear snap onesies most of the time because of the 2 times I've had to clean up some pretty atrocious messes in his crib. (don't even ask- but if you do, I'll tell you the disgusting details :)

Our little boy has 6 teeth on top and 3 teeth on bottom (for awhile he had 3 on top and 3 on bottom). I love my kids' smiles- I guess every mom loves to see a happy face.

Gunner is starting to point to and say names of parts of his body, say animal names and sounds, and sing along with songs (If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops).

Lastly, I just wanted to apologize to Gunner that I haven't recorded more of his information and milestones. I have a lot of them here and there, but definitely not as organized about it as I was with Gracie. I promise to do better.


Charisse said...

He is so cute!

Ashley loves the Sound of Music, the other day we were at the store and she was singing " How do you solve a problem like Maria?" really loud.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the Gunner update! he's a cutie, no doubt about it. I love this age too: can talk a bit, but not too much, and just adore mom.

Suz said...

He is getting so big! Congrats on such cute kids.