Fast forward to tonight. I'm in Sam's Club picking up some pictures and walking around for a second when Gracie suddenly puts a stiff arm out and says, "Heil, Hitler". Yikes. I shushed her only to have her say it 2 more times (kind of loud, but saying Hector instead of Hitler- so hopefully not as discernable). We had a little talk about what a bad man Hitler was and how we shouldn't say that. Good lesson taught, but I can't tell you how surprised I was. Of all the lines from that movie to quote. It just makes me sad that no matter how much good there is, evil is always a part of the world.
Oh, I am totally laughing as I imagine this. I'm sure if people heard and understood her they were thinking, what kind of mom teaches her daughter that. Ha ha ha. Oh, that is classic. Hopefully you didn't shush her in GERMAN! :) Then you really would have gotten looks.
LOL...that's funny!!!
I see how it is. Little blond mommy teaching her little blond daughter. :) totally joking! That must have been embarrassing. But it was sure funny to read about!
awesome how kids always remember the one part you wish they wouldn't. And even more awesome is how they say it in public!! Funny Gracie.
Still laughing from when you told me this the other day! It was fun seeing you last weekend and we look forward to more fun memories next month!
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