Thursday, January 27, 2011


We went to see the cardiologist today. They did an echo-cardiogram (shown above) and she had a big weigh in (8lbs.3oz). He liked what he saw and said we don't have to come in for another month. They are decreasing her 3 times daily dose of diuretic to twice daily.

Our cardiologists are a group of 4 practitioners. We already knew that 1 went to BYU, but found out today that another one went to BYU as well. That's kind of fun.

Lastly, the doc said of Maisy, "Yeah, she looks like a rock-star. Keep it up." DBJ (don't be jealous)- I know we're all striving for rock-star status :) Anyway, we are so proud of her.


Erin said...

Wonderful news!! And so glad she is sleeping better through the night. You might actually feel human again. :)

Unknown said...

Do you think she'll be a singer, guitarist, or a drummer?

belliesue said...

Way to go Maisy. You keep on growing!

MBurt said...

Way to go Maisy! You are a rock star! Just like your mom. Over 8lbs... awesome!

Kim said...

Yay Maisy! :)

Camie said...

Oh Maggie, she is a rockstar. She is totally starting to chunk up a little bit. She's darling. I am glad the appt. was a positive one...

Jill Wittwer said...

She looks great! And that is awesome that she is sleeping through the night, wow!

Honey said...

Way to go, Maisy! How wonderful!