Monday, February 14, 2011

Back At It

St. George Marathon 2005- The Little Buckaroo Running Club
I've picked up an old habit the last month. Yes, I'm running again. Yes, I'm training for the St. George Marathon. No, I'm not that fast yet. But... I am considering running a habit now because I have run every day (excluding Sundays and 2 other days I missed) for the last month. I'm really proud of myself because I was even less consistent in training for marathon #2. That means that the last time I was this consistent about my daily run was when I was first married and pregnant with Gracie.
St. George Marathon 2007
I will be the first to admit that it is hard. I never really like running when I start out and don't usually enjoy it until after I've already gone a couple of miles. Sometimes I lack motivation, time or energy, but I'm really grateful I've made this a priority right now. I think it has really helped my patience levels to burn off some extra energy and it helps me not to feel to stir crazy being home all day long.

I'm the type of person who really needs a goal and a serious reason or I have a really hard time exercising. I hesitate to write this goal in case I don't reach it, but I also want to spread the word to help motivate myself and have more accountability. I decided that I don't want to run another marathon just to say, "I did it". I'm aiming for a sub 4hr time and hopefully faster (3hrs. 40 min) to be able to qualify for the Boston Marathon. Right now I'm just working on my endurance and mileage (2-4 miles a day) and I've been working on getting my old speed back before I get to ambitious about getting to my hopeful marathon speed. Hopefully it will continue to go well. I'd love to hear some good speed advice from those who know how to go faster (please Shauna- I know you've run a sub 4 marathon).


Unknown said...

That's awesome, Maggie! I hope you qualify for Boston, but even if you don't, a sub-4 hour is a great goal too. I'll send you an email.

Carrie said...

Such an awesome goal for yourself. I am excited for you and happy you are finding time to run and have your mental and physical outlet each day. Love that you have already done 2 marathons--you're like an old pro.

CNeilson said...

Gooooooo! Maggie!

Honey said...

You go girl! That's so awesome!

Krista said...

Awesome. I agree it is much better to have a goal to keep you focused on your marathon. Good job mags! I so need to do something like this too...

Angie said...

You can do it!! And when you come to Boston, I'll be there to cheer for you. I'm only 2 1/2 hours away.