Friday, February 25, 2011

Maisy and the whopping murmur

 We went to the cardiologist yesterday. Maisy got an x-ray. I wish I would have been a little bolder to get a picture of her in the mini hospital gown they put on. It was adorable. Maisy now weighs 9lbs. 4oz.
 The doctor told us that she is looking good, but her weight gain is definitely slowing down. He suspects she might need surgery in the next 1-2 months.

I was a little disheartened when the doc took out his stethescope to listen to her heart. He pulled back and said, "That is one whopping murmur". .We are so grateful that Maisy has made it this long without surgery. She has more than doubled the age she was at when she was supposed to have surgery and she has gained a good 3 lbs. since that time as well. Hopefully she will hold out even longer.
 Long story short, surgery may be on the horizon. Her heart is having to work just a little harder but she is doing really well and the doctor said she still looks great. Oh, and I got her to give me a belly laugh.


Meg said...

Mags she really is so precious and I am so glad she is a fighter. I miss you!

Unknown said...

Great pics as usual. I'm glad she's made it this long without surgery too.

CNeilson said...

She is beautiful!!! I'm sure surgery still sounds really scary. She is already so cute, just think how happy and fun she will be when she feels good!

belliesue said...

We'll keep hoping for the best, safest move to make Maisy healthy and staying happy:) Hang in there!