Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I feel queasy

 No, I'm not physically sick (or pregnant for that matter).  I'm sick with worry. Yesterday morning Gracie coughed a few times and then started up again in the evening. My kids are sick. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? We have been so careful. It didn't look so bad yesterday but today is looking worse.Gunner had a few dry coughs before bed but in the night had a sad yucky cough. Gracie burned a fever most of the night and I just feel sick about it.

We've banned the kids from our bedroom where Maisy sleeps. I sure hope we can keep her safe from this. Kids are bound to get sick, but I was almost convinced we could make it through the winter without getting anything. Of course my mind is racing to all of the worst case scenarios- We'll be sick for a month, We'll have to go back to the hospital.
All three kids- Maisy is not so sure.
 Yesterday I couldn't get Little House on the Prairie out of my mind. I read  most of it to Gracie this summer, and there is a part where Ma, Pa, Laura, Mary and Carrie are all too sick to take care of themselves. They almost all die in their little cabin until they are found by some nice neighbors who give them medicine and nurse them back to health.Don't worry though. We're okay and the mother, father and baby of this family are not sick yet.


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry Maggie. I hope it all turns out for the best. Gracie is looking so old!

Charisse said...

Seriously, having Blake in the NICU for only 6 days made me the germaphobe that I am today. It is a total control thing. I wanted to control his environment once he got home because I had no control at the hospital.

Have faith and have lysol wipes and spray. It really does work. Remind your kids to wash their hands regularly and to have them cough in their elbows not their hands. This too shall pass. Faith not fear. Love you!

Carrie said...

How did they get sick?? I hope it is a little thing and they will recover quickly. Just think of all the breastmilk Maisy has had filled with antioxodants to keep her healthy! Just keeping Maisy in her own space sounds like the best idea. Good luck Mag!

theminerfamily said...

Mags, how cute are those kids? Oh my gosh! I am so sorry about the sickness, just keep washing those hands!
I just got all updated on your blog and I am so happy to see Maisy's growth and that surgery has been put off! Such a miracle little one, she certainly has her mom's zest for life. (: Love you.