Monday, March 7, 2011

Sick and Tired

Have you all been dying to know what happened? We didn't die (or almost die). This is how the week went down.
Tuesday- Gracie started to cough in the morning a few times. Gracie started coughing a little more in the evening. Gunner's first coughs started. Tuesday night Gracie burned a fever all night. Both kids had coughs that set in.

Wednesday- Both kids were burning up and coughing all day long. more coughing. I Lysoled like crazy and kept Maisy in my room most of the day.
Thursday - sick kids again. Tried to keep Maisy in my room most of the day. Lysoled like crazy again. The home health nurse came to weigh Maisy who still hadnt' come down with anything but wasn't acting like herself. Maisy only gained ONE OUNCE in an entire week! I talked to Justin and we called the cardiologist. The cardiologist told us he thought we should go ahead and schedule surgery. They scheduled surgery for this coming Thursday.

That afternoon, Maisy's fever and coughing started, but somewhat more mild that the other kids.

 Friday- Maisy had a higher and more constant fever and was coughing more. Talked to the nurse practitioner at the surgeon's office. She said she would check back on Monday and see if Maisy was doing better.

Saturday- kids were getting better, Maisy still had a cough and fever

Sunday- Thought Gunner was better but his fever came back. Poor, tired boy. Gracie had a cough and too much energy (guess she was on the mend). Maisy was sounding a little worse.

Today- We took Maisy in. I took her in more because I was afraid because she is sick and is not supposed to be sick ,not as much because I was super worried about her symptoms. Does that make sense? Her symptoms have been a lot more mild than that of the older two kids.

Maisy's lungs sound clear, her oxygen levels look good, she tested negative for flu and we are waiting to hear back on RSV (**Came back negative too**). I talked to the nurse practitioner again and they are canceling surgery for this week. We will probably have to wait another month to reschedule, as they want babies to be in top health condition before they put them on the heart-lung machine.

These are some pictures I took of Maisy in anticipation of possibly doing surgery this week. One mother  whose baby had open heart surgery recommended I get some pictures of Maisy's perfect, scar-free chest before her surgery.

 I took the pictures on Saturday and she wasn't feeling the best so she is not very smiley but she was cooperative.

 I put Gracie's tutu on her, but it's too bad that tutu pics are the cutest with chubby babies. Maybe I'll take some more in a month. I'll post more about surgery later.


Unknown said...

She looks so sweet! i love that blanket she's laying on too.

Carrie said...

Mag--hang in there. What a rollercoaster of planning and waiting and then handling sick kids. I hope Maisy heals quickly so you can get her surgery done. We are praying for you and love you!

And your babe is adorable--such cute pics.

Krista said...

Oh mags I'm so sorry! I hate when everyone starts to get sick but mostly now I hope maisy gets better soon. Were prayng for her and I loved the email you sent out earlier this week. Much love.

CNeilson said...

I'm sorry that they all got sick :( Hope everyone is on the mend! Maisy is beautiful.

Suz said...

The picture with her hands on her hips is perfect! A little girl with attitude! Great to have some pictures of her "perfect" chest. She's beautiful and you sound like you are surviving. Proud of you and glad to know you. You can do this. You are doing it! Miss you all and love you all dearly!

Honey said...

Sick kids are so tough, especially when they're so young. You are amazing Maggie! Maisy is such a doll - so stinkin' cute! Such darling pictures. I hope all the sickness leaves your house soon and sweet Maisy can be tip top :)

janece said...

Maggie...thinking of you and the kids and sending all our love and prayers!! (oh and Justin too)

Erin said...

Maggie, make me cry. The pictures without a scar...tearjerker. I'm glad Maisy didn't get as sick as the other kids. But, I think sick kids at all is pretty miserable. Here's hoping she stays healthy the next month.

jamie said...

Oh my, I had no idea you were all sick like that! Poor Maisy. Thanks for the blog invitation - now I can keep up better. She is just gorgeous. I can't believe how old she is already!

Honey said...

I was just going through the 60 years, 120 days blog - can there be a sweeter blog out there?! I don't think so. What a gem! How fun to read things from my amazing cousins - and your parents, simply some of the BEST people I know. I hope no one minds me stopping by. Great idea.