Wednesday, September 14, 2011


 Gracie is getting so big!! I won't say that I can't believe she's in pre-school. I can. This is her third year doing pre-school, but her first year not doing a co-op. She will be more than ready for kindergarten next year and it is a great social outlet for her.
 Gracie and Gunner with Miss Susan and Miss Jodi
 Gunner wishes he could go too:( The teachers love him and told me that if I ever forget to take him home I can just pick him up when I come to get Gracie). Do they seriously think I would just forget him? After that offer, I might have to forget him on purpose sometime :)


Suz said...

I can't believe she's already in preschool! They are getting so big and cute.

Kim said...

Look how grown up Gracie is!!