Sunday, October 30, 2011


 Our city became a winter wonderland. Hardly any leaves had fallen, and it made for many heavy trees and broken branches.
 We also lost this tree in our front yard.
 Branches from the neighbor's trees.
 Cleaning up the mess.

The city is supposed to come by and take away the limbs. There are piles like this all over town. They said that saws and most saw accessories are sold out in every store in Fort Collins. For those who haven't seen our house, ours is on the left with the cream colored paint.


Krista said...

Oh my gosh!!! Look at all that snow! Did you put Neil to work? :) Your dad is so sweet with helping with things like that. It looks so pretty though. I'm so sorry about your tree.

Honey said...

I'm so behind! I love all your posts. I can't believe how big your kids are getting. Such cutie pies. We got more snow down here than the last time. What about you guys? It's beautiful, but a lot of work! :)

Angie said...

We had the same thing happen to us here in CT. Did you lose power?