Monday, April 16, 2012

For Kellie

 I just sent off a package with this beautiful quilt.  I had so much fun making it. The squares on the front were actually pieced by Justin's grandma. I found a hole stack of them and was amazed that nobody had snatched them up. Anyway, we had Justin's sister's name for Christmas and decided to make this quilt for her and her family. I was really close to Justin's grandma and had such an outpouring of love for my in-laws as I made this quilt.

 Once I finished the quilt top, my friend let me machine quilt it at her house on her long arm machine.  That was a cool experience too!
 It may have taken me until April to finally bind and send off the quilt, but I am excited for them to finally get this in the mail!

1 comment:

belliesue said...

LOVE IT!!!! Beautiful quilt made with love and appreciated to the max!!!! Thank you for your sweet gift!