Monday, April 9, 2012

Gracie Girl

 Gracie has had a big couple of months. She learned how to ride a bike without training wheels several weeks ago and practiced and practiced. Now she is a regular pro. It is so fun. Over spring break, our neighbors were outside a lot and she had tons of friends to ride bikes with. I thought if she did get hurt, it would be from a biking accident. But, she came in crying one evening and had fallen on the sidewalk while running. Poor thing. It was one of those scrapes that doesn't bleed but you know will scab. She was a trooper though, and it healed quickly.
 We are working on all of the traditional Kindergarten stuff these days. We are learning how to tie shoes and memorize our phone number and address. Did I already mention that Gracie will be going to full day Kindergarten? I am going to miss her, but really think she will thrive on being there all day. She is getting excited to take the bus!!

1 comment:

belliesue said...

I loved all day kindergarten, but you are right, it's hard to let them go for that long each day!!! I'm sure she'll do great!