Wednesday, May 2, 2012


 We have a very busy 17 month old baby. Maisy is a climber and a dumpster diver. She is seriously into everything around here. She empties drawers galore, can spin the toilet paper off its roll in no time flat and has a sweet and sneaky smile to gain forgiveness for all of her naughty endeavors.

 I always forget how BUSY little toddlers are. And by the way that everyone around me notices, I think that I'm not crazy when I say she is the busiest little girl I have ever met. Yes, if you remember Gracie, I think that Maisy is even busier. Here are some of the things Maisy has been doing.
 Finding markers and drawing on herself. Undressing (sometimes) and taking off her diaper. Climbing onto the counter.
 Drawing. On paper.
 Tasting all kinds of yumminess. I can't sneak treats around her anymore without sharing or she lets me know.
 Climbing onto her high chair seat unassisted. This is also her way to climb onto the counter. She has started scooting chairs across the kitchen to get to her desired location. She also climbs onto the table.
 Opening and hanging from the silverware drawer. Or... scooting a chair over and climbing up to empty the silverware drawer (my sharp knives found a new home).
Scooting chairs from the living room back in to get to her "stuff".

Maisy also learned to climb out of her crib last weekend. She did it 6 times in about 12 hours. Are you tired yet? She is so much fun.


Unknown said...

Wow, she is looking so much older. Are you going to put her in a toddler bed? Good luck!

MBurt said...

Oh man, I am tired after all of that! I love the fruit loop necklace idea for church. I might have to try it next week. Your kids are growing so fast. I love all the updates. You guys really are on the countdown for school. I talked to Meg the other day and they only have... oh, 5 years left! Holy cow! Glad you'll be done soon.

Honey said...

I can't believe how big Maisy is getting! Too cute.

Happy Birthday to Justin and congrats on the final final! Way to go!

belliesue said...

cute! Cute! Cute!! We're excited to see you in a few!