Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sweet Margaret Ann

I've been singing that to Maisy to the tune of "Sweet Caroline". Is it sometimes weird to think that Maisy is really Margaret? That's okay. I feel the same way about my name. I feel so much like Maggie that I sometimes forget I'm Margaret. I don't want Maisy to forget her real name though so I have to occasionally remind her:)

Maisy turned 18 months on the 11th of May. She is now a nursery girl and has been a champ in there. She went to the doctor and is 18 lbs. still. She is not on the curve for weight and is 15% for height. her head was at the 35th percentile. :) Her weight for height is good though, and she is growing and learning like she should be.
 I get this face a lot. Maisy is a  tease and is super giggly. She loves to be chased or tickled.
 This is her new favorite past-time. She does it any chance she gets and I've been better at moving her chair out of the kitchen.
 Maisy is communicating a lot better these days and says mom, dad, hi, bye, no, don't, Gracie, night-night, banana, shoe, bath, shower, and other situational words that I can't think of right now. She attempts lots of words that don't really sound much like anything. As I laid her down for a nap this morning I was staring at her and said, "I love you". I could tell by her mimicking the facials I was doing and her tone that she was trying to say it back. Sweet moments. I cannot wait for Maisy to see everyone when we get to Utah. She is really turning into a little girl.


Unknown said...

Whew! That girl keeps you hoppin'.

theminerfamily said...

She is a cute... but busy. Her and Maddie would get along great. They could play in the sand box for hours as well as spill things out of other larger things. (: