Monday, April 9, 2012


We LOVE Nutella around here but don't buy it all that often. I saw the store brand on sale the other day though, and decided to buy some. Justin saw it right away and started using it on his favorite Peanut Butter and Nutella sandwiches and the kids didn't discover it for several days after that. That brings you up to speed for this conversation I had with Gracie.

Maggie: Hey, Gracie. Do you want a Peanut Butter and jam sandwich for lunch?
Gracie: (super annoyed) NO. I want Peanut Butter and NUTELLA. And don't think that I don't know what you  and Dad are doing. You're  just trying to keep all of the Nutella for yourselves and not share any with us.

How are kids so smart?  


Unknown said...

ha! That Gracie will be a top exec for Nutella someday.

MBurt said...

Wow, I'm behind on your blog. What fun posts. Your kids are adorable! Good job on the dressers! They look nice. I need to call you soon. Hope you are well.

Kim said...

Gracie's a smart one. :) I love that!